Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Cross-Posting from LiveJournal, 12 August 2014: Day 2

Today we had what must have been a very boring day for the boys (although S said "It wan't a terrible day" when I apologised). We started by splitting up - ADC went to apply for a Social Security number, and the rest of us went to Target. The boys were quite interested at first, but by three hours' later, they were very ready to leave. I had fun choosing towels and cereal bowls and cups, and at some point S asked permission to go to the books' section. A stayed with me most of the time, pushing the increasingly-loaded trolley, and was able to find a number of items that I hadn't seen (in retrospect, of course the bread board would be in the same aisle as the knives ...).

Once ADC joined us, we descended on the food court where the boys happily sampled a variety of Asian versions of chicken pieces, before deciding on Thai food. A is getting quite adventurous (he enjoyed Salvadorean food yesterday), while S still has to be convinced to try. Anyway, they liked what they chose, and on the way out of the mall, we stopped at a T-mobile store, as ADC wanted to change the Sim card in his iPad. We ended up discussing a possible plan for all four of us, as the iPad could be considered an extra phone line for the purposes of the plan: unlimited talk+text+data for $100 a month for 5 lines. That seems like a good price; we just have to decide on the actual models.

After getting home and a bit of unpacking, we walked in Takoma Park, past S's school, which is about twice as far away as his previous school was, but still within walking distance. We went past a number of interesting shops, including a bike shop - although the landlady left a number of bikes, one of which will suit A, none was tall enough for ADC - and eventually reached a branch of Bank of America. Opening an account was quite simple, although a very lengthy and tedious process. We rewarded ourselves with excellent gelato before walking home via the Metro station, so as to time the distance there taking the most direct route (20 minutes uphill, so probably a little less when going to the Metro).

Tomorrow afternoon is the boys' interview with the Montgomery County school board, at the unit for international pupils. They are looking forward to it, as are we, because then we can finally organise the major part of their lives. I will try to take them to join the local library tomorrow morning, unless it continues to rain, in which case we will relax at home and play games.

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